Could this now be the same model a year later? One wonders about such a title, if this was your wife would you have given the painting such a title? Painting voluptuous nude women who are not your wife may lead to problems... whatever happened Tanoux appears to have gone off to the farm and started painting rural subjects, that are a far cry from his harem beauties. At first I was tempted to think that he married his model and was at this time living comfortably from his painting. However perhaps the reality of his life was something different, I can imagine another scenario where Tanoux was forced to paint Orientalist Art because that is where the money was, he painted other subjects such as the street sellers in "Revendeurs et revendeuses," which must have been infinitely more work, but with a possibly more limited market value. This has often been the way for painters, they can't paint what they like because it won't earn them enough money, so they prostitute their skills to make money by painting what the public wants to see (and pay for). |